Strain and its importance

Fourth Frontier

Last Update 1 ปีที่แล้ว

Heart Rate can give you false comfort and could also prevent a fitter person from pushing themselves just because their heart rate is high.

‘Strain’ is an indicator of the amount of oxygen deprivation experienced by the heart muscle during exercise. A high value of strain for prolonged can suggest someone is pushing themselves too hard during exercise. Exercising at an intensity causing high strain is not recommended and in the long term may lead to more serious concerns.

The Frontier X2 measures these changes in your metrics and provides your strain values in real-time on our app. It also warns you with a double-vibration alert if you cross your own pre-set threshold, helping you exercise at an exercise intensity that is safe for your heart health. This alert can tell you whether you should finish the last lap, run that extra mile, do those last few push-ups, or just give your heart a rest.

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