The data my Frontier X/X2 device provides is either inaccurate or poor. How do I fix this?

Fourth Frontier

Last Update a year ago

If it seems like your Frontier X2 is reporting poor data quality, please follow the steps below:

Watch this video to learn more:

1. Make sure the Frontier X2 is snapped securely onto the strap and does not make any sound or feel loose when you shake the strap.

2. Please wet the shiny sensors on the skin-facing side of the strap under a tap.

3. Wear the strap around your chest, while making sure that it is as tight as possible, without feeling uncomfortable.

4. Test the signal quality before you start your workout, by live-streaming the ECG on our mobile application. The ECG should look something like this:

5. Once you have verified the signal quality, start your recording from the app, or by double-clicking the blue button on the Frontier X2.

You can also watch this video to understand the process better:

Please reach out to us at [email protected] if you have any issues with the above-mentioned instructions, or if you still have poor data quality in your next workout.

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